Friday 13 November 2009


Young, Screwed and Tattooed

Blank Canvas is an organization which has been founded to help advise people who do not have a tattoo to - 'Think before you ink'. This blog has been put together to correlate all information from our own words as well as different books, studios and blogs into one so that we can advise you on one site rather than having you google everything, the aim of this is tattoo awareness. (we make no money off this blog information) The blog will consist of various sections which contain some of the following:
  • Why get a tattoo?
  • What are the risks?
  • How does it work?
  • Who had the first?
  • What are the laws?
  • How do I choose what I want?
  • How do I take care of it?
Tattoos can be beautiful things if it has a personal meaning to it, However, there are endless cases of bad tattoos and the reasons they came to be, whether it be age, patience, lack of thought, ex boy/girlfriends etc

Life Magazine, 1936

'10 Million Americans (about 6%) have at least one tattoo'

This basically states that in America alone, that tattoos were becoming a fashion phase.

May, 2003 statistics show

'76% of people say that the biggest issue that would prevent them from getting a tattoo is not finding the right design'

'10% of people say that either finding the right tattoo artist or having the money for a tattoo are the biggest reasons preventing them form getting a tattoo'

67 years after Life magazines quote, statistics have started to state that 96% of people all around the world take having a tattoo into consideration. However I believe that the crucial killer for these statistics is patience, these statistics rely on what put people off, just because they don't have the money at the time doesn't mean to say they are not going to get a tattoo the week after when their paycheck clears, or not having a right design doesn't mean they will get eager and have a small tattoo of a red devil on their arm.

16% of all adults have at least one tattoo
36% are aged 25-29
34% feel more attractive for having a tattoo
29% feel more rebellious
and a whopping 17% regret them (that is a lot of people)

March 05, The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found out:

'24% of Americans have at least one tattoo'
'17% have thought about having a tattoo removed'
'5% of them have had a tattoo covered up with a different design'

This proves the point that people jump into getting tattoos before they are ready and make an embarrassing mark on their body for the world to see.

In April 05

It was reported that more than 45 Million people had at least one tattoo, over 72 years the figures have doubled over 4 times.

'36 of 18-35 year olds have at least one tattoo'

This goes to show that more people are getting tattoos, and the age is dropping that people get tattoos.

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